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YARISAL & KUBLITZ - "FRESH & ANCIENT", Galerie im Rathaus Johannisthal, Berlin

  • Kommunale Galerie im Rathaus Johannisthal Sterndamm Berlin, BE Germany (map)

Ronnie Yarisal (*1981 in Geneva, Switzerland) and Katja Kublitz (*1978 in Copenhagen, Denmark) are known for their humorously subversive sculptures, in which they combine valuable, expensive-looking and profane everyday objects. They bring the auratic works together in exhibitions that deal with topics such as faith, myths, healing or spirituality. Their way of working usually consists of two phases: Excessive research which is then followed by laboratory-like art production. In doing so, they always examine human behavior and in particular how it is changing as a result of the internet, the digitization and mechanization of our environment.