Filtering by: Alan Vega

ALAN VEGA - Boo-Hooray, Ney York, États-Unis
to Jul 9

ALAN VEGA - Boo-Hooray, Ney York, États-Unis

Alan Vega (June 23, 1938 – July 16, 2016), best known for being half of the legendary proto-punk duo Suicide, was also a prolific poet and visual artist. From his groundbreaking presence fronting Suicide in the early 1970s, to his solo music career from the 1980s up until his death, Vega’s mark on music was indelible and inspiring. Suicide’s debut self-titled album released in 1977 is widely considered one of the most influential ever made. His on-stage presence was marked by audience interrogation to the point of inciting riots, self-harm, and an unerring aura of coolness – perpetually smoking cigarettes in sequined blazers. Incredibly ahead of their time, Suicide’s influence on punk and electronic music is still being heard today, their stage presence and sound often copied but never duplicated.

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ALAN VEGA - Concert hommage, Festival avant-séance, Paris 14e
6:00 PM18:00

ALAN VEGA - Concert hommage, Festival avant-séance, Paris 14e

À l’occasion de son anniversaire posthume, Samedi 23 Juin, sur une idée de Liz Lamere (femme de Alan Vega) produit par Alain Lahana (production Le Rat des Villes) et sous la direction artistique de Marc Hurtado, l'entrepôt rend hommage à Alan Vega, cette figure mythique de la scène underground à travers une soirée dédiée à son œuvre subversive et à son univers créatif disruptif.Cette soirée sera à l’image d’Alan Vega et de son héritage artistique. Au programme : des projections, une exposition, une série de concerts et une signature.

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ALAN VEGA - Mumok, Vienna
to Nov 11

ALAN VEGA - Mumok, Vienna

The exhibition Double Lives will focus on fine artists who wrote or produced music, who performed music in public, or who were or are members of artists’ bands. The exhibition really “exhibits” music, with listening stations and large projections of videos and photographs of concert and studio performances that give visitors a sense of being there “live,” while also illustrating the significance of different kinds of performance situation.

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to Jul 29


"A year after the passing of Alan Vega, who I first knew as Alan Suicide, we will present Dream Baby Dream, a memorial exhibition to commemorate Alan's life and work. The exhibition has two components : video projections of historic performances by Suicide, and a selection of Alan's sculpture and works on paper from the 1960's to his last works in 2016.

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