The Skulptur Projekte Münster has been taking place every ten years since 1977. The history is closely linked with the idea of creating a public not just with but also for art. This runs contrary to many presented in the public realm since the late 1990's, in which the main focus has frequently been on matters related to the city's social and economic development.
The realization of the exhibition already conveys a political message per se : with the aid of public funds, the Skulptur Projekte point out the significance of the public space as a heterogeneous sphere that is indispensable for socio-cultural coexistence and cannot be subordinated to economic interests.
The generous rhythm of the show's realization - a ten year intervals - distinguished the Skulptur Projekte clearly from other major international exhibitions. From the curatorial poitn of view, the renown of the decennial, which has grown continualy over the decades, goes hand in hand with great responsibility, but also with great freedom : the exhibition's broad impact and the unchanging spatial context - the city of Münster as the venu but also as an experienced cooperation partner - permet uncompromised drilling into the depths.
Mika Rottenberg, Photo: Jessica Chou
In Mika Rottenberg's video installations, the spaces and places of production condense to form surreal worlds in which the laws of nature governing gravity, time and matter are suspended. In the process she inquires into the relationship between work and the body, the logic of global production processes and the economy of profit maximization frequently based above all on the exploitation of cheap labour. The videos themselves merge fictional elements with documentary ones, which then - in the surrounding installation - continue out into physical space.
For the Skulptur Projekte Münster, Mika Rottenberg is likewise planning a work in which various places and situations unite in an open narration about global capitalism and the temptations, magic and despair associated with it.
Mika Rottenberg, Cosmic generator, 2017