Surrealismo y abstracción, dos mundos paralelos, will be held at the Museo Pape from August 14 until December 3, in Monclova, Coahuila. The exhibition celebrates the museum’s 40th anniversary.
Curated by M. María Faernanda Matos Moctezuma, the show includes a selection of works that showcase two opposing Art movements born in Europe after WWI, and their practice in Mexico starting from the 1950s. The arrival of European surrealists and the rupture between Mexican artists from local movements, opened paths that will be explored at the exhibition, together with the expressions that marked the start of a new millenium.
Gonzalo Lebrija, Catch my Fall, 2003
Video, 2'08''
In September 2003, for an ambitious collective exhibition called Mexico Illuminated (Reading, Philadelphia), Lebrija returned to the theme of flight, but this time from a more private perspective. Catch my Fall, the piece in question, is a slow-motion video recording in which the artist in pyjamas patterned like a starry sky is shown shamelessly bouncing up and down on a bed in a hotel room. Halfway between childish mischief and an acid trip, Catch my Fall, with its hypnotic to-and-from motion, remotely evokes the gentle, hilarious, precise scene with the globe in Charlie Chaplin’s The Great Dictator.